From Isabel

 Aan al my wonderlike skoolvriende/ To all my wonderful school friends Graag wil ek julle almal van harte bedank vir elkeen se ondersteuning om van die reunie so ‘n sukses te maak. Dankie spesiaal vir elkeen wat die moeite gedoen het om die naweek saam met ons te deel en vir die wat nie kon bywoon nie, dankie dat julle aan ons gedink het hetsy by wyse van ‘n sms, epos, Facebook boodskap of oproep. Alles saam het bygedra tot die wonderlike gees van samesyn wat
 heel naweek geheers het. 

A special word of thanks must go to Stella who traced us all and without whom we could not have made any attempt to organize a reunion. Thank you to everybody who contributed towards my birthday and thank you gift. I had the nicest birthday ever, sharing it with you my best friends. It was awesome in every respect and something to cherish and remember in years to come. Jeanette and Deneze made every effort to normalize me after 35 years of living in the cold! It was great fun and looking at the evidence it seems they were successful and that I missed out on plenty of fun for many years!  Many thanks once again for all the support and encouragement for this reunion of 2012. The next one is to be held in 5 year’s time by unanimous vote and I understand that the venue will be Pretoria – viva Tshwane! God bless you all
With fondest regards
 Isabel Holland Muter


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